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Gifted & Talented

Mrs. Danae Ross

My name is Mrs. Rosso and I am the Gifted/Talented Education Specialist for Martinez, Monfort, and Chappelow schools. Each day is a delight getting to work with not only our Gifted/Talented students but our high-ability learners as well. 

An important part of the work I do is to administer assessments for students who have been referred for further testing. Identifying students for the GT program is a crucial step in the process of providing services to those students. 

Parents and families are vital to our students' success. Identified students' families can expect to receive an e-newsletter from me each month; additionally, I will meet with each family each year to review, revise, and update each GT student's Advanced Learning Plan. Communication is a two-way street and I would love to hear from you whenever you have a question or comment! Since I work in multiple buildings, email is the best way to communicate with me. You can reach me anytime at:

For more information about the GT program district-wide, please visit: WWW.GREELEYSCHOOLS.ORG/GT

Here's to a challenging, successful, exciting school year!