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CLD/Intervention/READ Act

8 Support Staff

 Contact Information

Position  Staff Name Email Address School Number
 CLD  Mrs. Kathleen Battleson  970-348-1853
 CLD  Miss Adriana Garcia  970-348-1853
 CLD  Mrs. Connie Larson  970-348-1877
 CLD  Mrs. Cheryl Schall  970-348-1853
 Intervention  Mr. Christopher Jones  970-348-1859
 Intervention  Mrs. Marla Kelley  970-348-1859
 READ Act  Mrs. Kayci Bass  970-348-1859
 Instructional Assistant   Mr. Brandon Jimenez  970-348-1859



The CLD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) and Interventionist Team teachers help support students to ensure success in their classrooms.  We co-teach with classroom teachers and give small group instruction to students who need additional support to meet grade level needs.


As a READ Act Specialist, Mrs. Bass works with students in K-3 to help them reach grade level standards in reading. She provide interventions during their reading blocks and work with homeroom teachers to get students where they need to be in reading.